Phasellus augue diam, vestibulum non, iaculis eget, tristique sed, lectus. Sed pede. Nullam egestas ante a mauris. Aliquam metus turpis, luctus ac, sagittis eget, elementum tincidunt, massa.

What we know about software ?

It’s pity that most of the software engineers out there are know very little about software. For them, Software development is like a day to day job than a passion. Recently I had a chat with bunch of software engineers, the discussion was fill with complains for the existing process. Infact, they didn’t even care about what they do. They just do it the sake of doing it. I was very disappointed in way that there is lack of interesting in that software community. Partially because their attitude towards the software or it could be because of their current working culture. That reminds me my school days, I hate chemistry not because its too hard to remember but because I didn’t like the teacher. So partially if not as a whole, we like things because we like the people associate with it. Anyway my final conclusion to that is we need to love what we do and we need to do what we love.

Natures plan for us

We all think about our future. Its a normal behavior of all human beings. When we think about it, most of them are not aware whats going to happen. Even if our present is stable sometimes we think about horrific future. Well, what is the reason for this ? Its all about faith. Each one of us should remember there is a precious plan for us. The Nature (AKA God) is the ultimate creator. He has no beginning or end, he owns every breath we take. So even if we are down emotionally sometimes, don't loose faith. If your good, honest and helping person there is a ultimate future plan for you… So keep your faith.

Career path for a Software Engineer

I been thinking lately what would be the career path of a software engineer. Due to the fact that I was almost worked 8 years in Software Development as a Software Engineer. Its a high time for me to rethink about my future career. I had a dream to become a Software Architect. But now I want to become a CTO, well in some way I think I want to pursuit Technical + Business Role and the CTO is the idea title for me. Software Architect is still a better Job for me but I think I’m more satisfied with CTO. Anyway long way to go for the CTO but I will achieve it. If I can become a CTO by 2012 then that will be one of my dreams comes true.

Few simple steps to make your software project a success

Most of the software project fails because of the lack of understanding about the project requirements. This happens mostly in the requirement gathering phase. Failure to collect the necessary requirements can bring any project on its knees. There will be some technical challenges as well, but those are not that critical. Following are some few simple points a Project Leader/Manager should be aware of.

1. Understand the Business need.

2.Don’t waste too much time on Requirement Gathering. Chances are the initial requirement will change overtime.

3.While understanding the business requirement, suggest better solutions to the customer. Most of the customers are not aware of how software program works.

4. Follow an iteration process. Release fast and release often. In that way a customer can have an early look at the system.

5. At last but not least, have a friendly development environment. Office politics is the number one killer of any successful project.

Hope this gives you an boost start on your next project. Attitude matters in any environment. So be friendly with your colleagues and always remember TEAM WORK always effective.

Why most of the Software Project Fails

For the past decade I’ve been working with customers all around the world on their software projects. I have worked on successful projects as well as failed once. So what makes a Software project successful and failure ? Most of the software projects fails,because lack of understanding on the requirement or its actual purpose. It could be the stakeholders which unaware of the requirement or it could be the Business Analyst who’s struggling to collect all the necessary requirements. Neither BA nor stakeholders have any idea about the actual output of the project. The only thing doesn’t change in Software is “Change”,  but that doesn’t mean that you can change the requirement drastically in the development phase. There will be some minor changes which can be accepted, although those changes does not leads to a developers nightmare.

Why Civil Engineering succeed over Software Engineering ? Some can say Civil Engineering evolved from 2000+ years or so, even if its true there is another aspect for it. The initial Architecture of the building remains the same until its completion. There could be some minor amendments but those changes will not be affected to the core architecture. In the design phase, if the Architect/Stake holders decide to build a 10 story building, that will remains the same until its completion. What happens, if the stakeholders ask them to make it a Twelve story building ? Will it be possible ? even if its possible will they do it ? There is a high risk involved in the requested change, so the builders won’t even consider the requests. These things has to plan in the initial design phase. Similarly, in the software development stake holders and other project leaders must understand the scope of the changes and the size of the risk involved with it. As a general rule, you need to start with an end in mind, which means you need to have clear picture on the end product.

Software must be developed as an iteration process. It should build gradually. To deliver a successful software projects the project leader has to take precise decisions and needs to have a proper execution plan. Of course, there will be changes, but to handle and to deliver the project in time and within the budget involves a lot of talent. 

Internet Evolution

Over past decade Internet has shown a significant growth. From a static single html page to a online banking transaction page. I still remember the first time I browse internet, It was nothing but a bunch of html pages organize together. But look at it now, I do all my day to day work in internet. Email, Calendars, Banking transactions,Flight booking and Hotel Reservations just to name a few. For me its like that I cannot survive without internet. All this transformation happened only in 20 years or so. What will be future of Internet ? as it was before we never know. I never thought that I would do all of my banking transaction through internet when I was first browsing it back then. Similarly we cannot predict the future. But surely the internet will grow faster in the next decade than it was in first two decades.