Phasellus augue diam, vestibulum non, iaculis eget, tristique sed, lectus. Sed pede. Nullam egestas ante a mauris. Aliquam metus turpis, luctus ac, sagittis eget, elementum tincidunt, massa.

Few simple steps to make your software project a success

Most of the software project fails because of the lack of understanding about the project requirements. This happens mostly in the requirement gathering phase. Failure to collect the necessary requirements can bring any project on its knees. There will be some technical challenges as well, but those are not that critical. Following are some few simple points a Project Leader/Manager should be aware of.

1. Understand the Business need.

2.Don’t waste too much time on Requirement Gathering. Chances are the initial requirement will change overtime.

3.While understanding the business requirement, suggest better solutions to the customer. Most of the customers are not aware of how software program works.

4. Follow an iteration process. Release fast and release often. In that way a customer can have an early look at the system.

5. At last but not least, have a friendly development environment. Office politics is the number one killer of any successful project.

Hope this gives you an boost start on your next project. Attitude matters in any environment. So be friendly with your colleagues and always remember TEAM WORK always effective.


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