Phasellus augue diam, vestibulum non, iaculis eget, tristique sed, lectus. Sed pede. Nullam egestas ante a mauris. Aliquam metus turpis, luctus ac, sagittis eget, elementum tincidunt, massa.

Internet Evolution

Over past decade Internet has shown a significant growth. From a static single html page to a online banking transaction page. I still remember the first time I browse internet, It was nothing but a bunch of html pages organize together. But look at it now, I do all my day to day work in internet. Email, Calendars, Banking transactions,Flight booking and Hotel Reservations just to name a few. For me its like that I cannot survive without internet. All this transformation happened only in 20 years or so. What will be future of Internet ? as it was before we never know. I never thought that I would do all of my banking transaction through internet when I was first browsing it back then. Similarly we cannot predict the future. But surely the internet will grow faster in the next decade than it was in first two decades.


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